Messages from Cheryl's Facebook memory page

2018 March 04

Created by Heather 5 years ago
feeling missing my Momma.

I miss you so much I think and talk about you daily. Every morning I wake up hoping it was just a bad dream but then I realized that's not the case. I know you're walking bride me throughout my life I can feel you with me. I just wish I could see you and hug and kiss you again just one more time I would never let I wish you were here birthday is coming he's going to be 12 ! Can you believe it . I'm so glad my kids got as much time with you as they did even though selfishly I wish they had more. I always thought you'd be with me for all my graduation, weddings, babies. I know you'll be there in it just won't be the same 馃槗 Give everyone hugs and kisses up there for me and love on my fur babies until I see you again. I love you past the moon and back 馃挆

Your baby girl 馃挒